The common interest ...

There are two rather different perceptions of agriculture: the romantic image seen in advertising and experienced at farm holidays and also there is the image filled with criticism known from the environmental and climatic debates.

The common interest ...

There are two rather different perceptions of agriculture: the romantic image seen in advertising and experienced at farm holidays and also there is the image filled with criticism known from the environmental and climatic debates.

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There are two rather different perceptions of agriculture: the romantic image seen in advertising and experienced at farm holidays and also there is the image filled with criticism known from the environmental and climatic debates.


In addition, consumers have always increasing expectations regarding transparency: what is produced, how and where. They also want more sustainability, so anyone can contribute something: e.g. target their consumption or buy regional produce. But isn’t also the farmer depending on the sustainability of soil health? Dealing with the water quality of the streams running through his fields? How can digitalization help to solve agriculture’s current problems?


The digital solutions from xarvio support the farmer in taking measures to target the current problems and demands in farming. This is done by following the growing season and ranges from selecting the right seed and the correct sowing rate to determining the required amount of fertilizer within legal limits and targeted applications to ensure a good harvest, as well as protection against diseases, insects and weeds. Models need to consider specific damage thresholds and regulations regarding distance to water bodies; satellite images allow a realistic assessment of field zone biodiversity. Impacts of the weather and extreme Stresses, such as drought, are recorded digitally and displayed at field, crop and field-zone level.


xarvio, together with several partners, is researching how future digital solutions can help even better to sustainably improve conventional agriculture.


Insects should be recognized using sensors, fungal infestations and weeds should be recorded and identified by cameras, so only targeted measures are taken based on field-specific big data. Models are developed to capture and map hyperlocal data, even for the smallest field areas.


All tasks are digitally documented, showing the exact changes on the field and field zones during a year. This creates transparency and can result in increased public acceptance.


The common interest is to secure long-term, sustainable food production in a diversified agricultural and natural landscape.


xarvio™ Digital Farming Solutions contributes to this. Learn more about our solutions.